Spring Cleaning Paper Sale | February 27 — March 2




Welcome to Beyond the Fold Paperie

Beyond the Fold Paperie. My Brand . . .
When I was starting Beyond the Fold Paperie I knew I wanted to create a place for paper lovers to come, connect, and create.
My business name, Beyond the Fold, comes from marketing (the field I worked in for over 20 years). I remember hearing somewhere that when doing a mailer, you always wanted people to open it to read beyond the fold. For my business, I always want to take you beyond your "fold." Beyond what you first see, beyond what you think you can do, or beyond what you've already done.
My logo is the little paper airplane. Paper has always been my own little adventure. That's why I chose the handmade paper airplane in flight. Paper has always taken me beyond what I thought I could do and given me wings to fly. I hope to do the same for you whenever you connect with Beyond the Fold Paperie.
My core values are beauty, creativity, connecting, adventure, and fun. I believe all those things go into healing and creating a healthy lifestyle and I strive to put them into action in my own life. I also believe everyone should have access to them. Beyond the Fold Paperie is a place where you can find them whenever you want.

About Claire

I've been a paper chaser my whole life. Anything you can make with paper, do with paper, color with paper, I was in! But it was one visit to a small corner paper shop in Chicago in my mid-20s that hooked me big time. The shop was wall to wall, floor to ceiling, with three rooms filled to overflowing with papers from around the world! From that day on I was officially a paper chaser. I'm so glad you've joined me on this paper-chasing journey.

I live and teach paper crafts and bookmaking classes here in Tampa where I live with my very patient husband and princess of a cat, Cici. My other hobbies are baking, embroidery, gardening, and traveling and you'll see glimpses of those in my newsletters, posts, and classes. I teach in-person and online classes. And if you like a lot of pictures, follow me on my Instagram and Facebook where I'm always posting new and interesting papers, projects, and people.